Dongying Tousin Precision Metal Ltd.
How To Disassemble The Impeller Of A Water Pump
Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 2023-09-20 | 385 Views | Share:

Disassembly sequence of water pump impeller:

1. Unscrew the bolts on the bearing gland on the discharge side and the connecting nuts between the discharge section,packing box body, and bearing body to remove the bearing components.

2. Unscrew the round nut on the shaft, remove the bearing inner race, bearing gland, and gear sleeve in sequence,and then remove the packing body (including packing gland, packing ring, and packing, etc.)

3. After sequentially removing the O-ring, shaft sleeve, balance plate, and key from the shaft, remove the discharge section (including the final G guide vane, balance ring, etc.)

4. After removing the final stage impeller and key, remove the middle section (including guide vanes).Continue to remove the remaining stages of the impeller, middle section, and guide vanes using the same method until the SG impeller is removed.

5. After unscrewing the connecting nut between the suction section and the bearing body and the bolt on the bearing pressure passage,remove the bearing components.

6. Extract the shaft from the suction section, unscrew the fixing nut on the shaft, and remove the bearing inner ring,O-ring seal, shaft sleeve, and gear sleeve in sequence.

7. When disassembling the impeller of a self priming centrifugal pump, it is necessary to measure the axial displacement and radial runout of the rotor,and timely record the measurement.The rotor rotates one revolution, and the larger value to the smaller value at the same point on the same side represents the runout of that point.

8. Remove the impeller back cap, remove the impeller, and carefully confirm the direction of the back cap before disassembly.It is strictly prohibited to damage the back cap with reverse force.When using a pry bar to pry off the impeller, it should be placed at the rib plate of the impeller to avoid cracking the impeller.The appearance inspection of the impeller back cap should show no signs of biting or slipping.If there are any, they should be repaired and replaced in a timely manner.

9. Disassemble the impeller guide flat key, check that the appearance of the flat key is not significantly deformed or missing,and the fit with the keyway should meet the specified requirements.If not, the impeller should be repaired or replaced.